A week ago, I received a comment from Shannon, letting me know she was giving me a blog award. I wasn't sure what that could possibly be, but was flattered nontheless. You should know how I feel about Shannon to truly appreciate why this would be so humbling for me.
She was my most wonderful, faithful, spiritual, funny and interesting visiting teacher for almost two years. I enjoyed her visits and especially her offer to shave my legs while I was pregnant with Miss Boo. Who offers something like that? Shannon, of course! She is just that way. Thinks of the things that you truly would need and offers them with every intent of following through. I love her for that. I am so grateful that we were able to reconnect through blogging.
The Lemonade award is for people who apply the quote "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade" in their life. I am using Shannon's quote here because I liked her train of thought. "So I am tweaking it a bit, and passing it on to people who provide the "lemonade stands" in my life - those little cups of cheer that keep me going when I am feeling tired and out of sorts".
As always there are rules:
1. put the logo on your blog or post
2. nominate at least 10 blogs which show great attitude or gratitude
3. be sure to link your nominees with your post
4. let them know they received the award by leaving a comment on their most recent post
5. share the love and link this post to the person that gave you the award.
Drum roll please...
1. My first award goes to: SHANNON. I know that was a surprise. You should read her blog and you will understand completely and immediately why she inspires me.
2. RACHEL. I went to school with her and when we were really little, like kindergarten age, we had so much fun playing weird games that we made up. We were a little strange! She has grown into an amazing, strong woman that is completely devoted to her family. I love hearing about her life and her funny stories that make me laugh out loud.
The Lemonade award is for people who apply the quote "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade" in their life. I am using Shannon's quote here because I liked her train of thought. "So I am tweaking it a bit, and passing it on to people who provide the "lemonade stands" in my life - those little cups of cheer that keep me going when I am feeling tired and out of sorts".
As always there are rules:
1. put the logo on your blog or post
2. nominate at least 10 blogs which show great attitude or gratitude
3. be sure to link your nominees with your post
4. let them know they received the award by leaving a comment on their most recent post
5. share the love and link this post to the person that gave you the award.
Drum roll please...
1. My first award goes to: SHANNON. I know that was a surprise. You should read her blog and you will understand completely and immediately why she inspires me.
2. RACHEL. I went to school with her and when we were really little, like kindergarten age, we had so much fun playing weird games that we made up. We were a little strange! She has grown into an amazing, strong woman that is completely devoted to her family. I love hearing about her life and her funny stories that make me laugh out loud.
3. AUNT DEBBIE. When I am feeling a little lonely, I can count on you to blog almost daily about your life and I feel like when you just lived up the street. Like I could run over for a visit anytime.
4. JOLIN. Your family is a miracle and you write so honestly and with so much faith about it. It restores my hope in people and their goodness.
5. Andrea. She is an artist of photography and I genuinely enjoy her take on life. I pop in to see what she sees. I always leave thinking I will be the next Annie Liebowitz. It is good to be inspired.
6. CJANE. She taught me that you can be quirky, funny and a little nuts and still be extremely likeable. Her blog is contagious. It is the first one I read everyday to get me started on a better/good note.
7. UNKNOWN. The courage to put this on the web for all to see is amazing to me. I read it because I love bravery and stories that I know must eventually have a happy ending although the trials are enormous and painful. I admire the fact that she is using it as a tool to help others with something that no one wants to talk about.
8. LALANI. You know why! I love you for you and your humor. You are constant and with your consistent blogging I get a good chuckle. You are good people.
9. KELLY. You have ENERGY. I feel like moving when I read your blog. Thank you for writing all the time and being honest about it all. So refreshing!
10. Robin - Ok, this is me. A little self indulgent, I know. This was a hard thing for me to start doing, but I find that I look for the positive in the day and it has helped me to become a better person. I truly do look at my day differently knowing that I am going to have to write about something that is interesting.
Now you get to pass it on! Don't worry if the person you want to give it to already has it - go ahead and let them know they're doubly appreciated! And if you visit any of the blogs linked above, leave them a kind hello. Because comments help us all have a lemonade kind of day! (And this all makes me want to have fresh squeezed lemonade from the Dominican Republic even though it did give you the runs every now and then!)
Thank you, Robin - for the award and especially for all of the kind words. I am thrilled to bits with our blog reunion. SO glad you tracked me down!
Robin, that was so nice. You always make me feel so good. Have you read Nie? I cried. so so sweet, can you imagine? To see her little hands...now that's picking yourself up when life kicks you down. Hugs, Rachel
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