If it is seven years of bad luck, then what is eight years equal to?
Mr. Finn and I are celebrating 8 blissful, uneventful, peaceful and not to mention positively joyful years!
Mr. Finn and I are passing by that 8 year marker of time spent growing, learning and still loving each other after all these years. That sounds more like it now doesn't it?
We have had ups and downs, highs and lows, and yes, even joy. It took a long time for us to become Mr. and Mrs. Finn, but I am glad we DID.
While I was serving a mission in the Dominican Republic I received a letter from Mr. Finn. He knew it was mission rules for return letters to be sent, so he knew it was an "in" with me. He wrote me a couple of letters a week that I looked forward to and even some packages to make the dominican experience more enjoyable. He even sent me a puzzle that asked me to think about marrying him right before I left the mission field.
I was thinking about it, but I also had a Mother that didn't like him. Who doesn't like Mr. Finn? LOL Even with all his charm, we ended up in an argument (a.k.a. knock down, drag out fight) in front of the Star Wars ride. Disneyland, the happiest place on earth! Hmmmmm!
Then, ten years later we ended up on the same page...finally.
By the way, his story is much different and mine is quite abbreviated, but I wanted to get a bit of it down for posterity. At least get it down before early onset hits.
Happy Anniversary my dear Mr. Finn.
Happy Anniversary!!! Has it really been eight years? Where does the time go? Yes who couln't love Mr Finn. I am so glad you two are happy!!!
Mom (Enid)
Happy Anniversary!
That just reminded me we are coming up on ours at the end of the month. 11 years! Wow, that seems like a long time, and yet it has been a wonderful, though wild, ride. Yeah, that first part about uneventful and completely blissful doesn't quite describe us either, but we, too, are happy, and growing and learning.
Great post, Robin. And again Happy Anniversary.
Why make marriage boring? Happy Anniversary....you've worked hard to get this far...
Happy, Happy Anniversary to you both. (And at least you picked an appropriate ride for an epic battle all those years ago!)
p.s. - I gave you an award! Pop over to my blog to check it out. :)
I'm so happy for you! I remember when you told me how you asked HF if it was the right thing to do, marry Mr. Finn, kneeling right there on the bathroom floor of a Restaurant. I thought that was true FAITH! Congrats! Rachel
Oh my Happy Belated Anniversary MOm!!
It has been awhile since I checked out blogs! I feel like I am missing out on alot these days...ANyways love you mom and Mr. Finn!!
Happy Anniversary! So glad we're friends. :)
Happy Belated anniversary I hadnt checked in a while. I hope you had a great night.
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