Thursday, June 24, 2010

Update on Miss Boo

It looks like Miss Boo is feeling better with her "tummy" issues.
After a week of many hours in the bathroom, she is finally
returning to life as a 6 year old.

That is proven by her laughter and pretend play that
we are starting to see.  She is becoming more loving and
soft with everyone in this house which tells me she
is feeling more like herself or more like the self
she hasn't been in a very long time.

I am so relieved and hope we have "fixed" this problem.
We still have bad days, but they don't last all day
and they aren't consecutive.

Thank you Dr. Septor for taking the time with us and helping
us to know what would relieve this poor little
girl of her greatest woe.

Now to put some meat back on her bones.  She got very
skinny during all this stuff.  Breaks my heart to see how thin
she is and that isn't from a lack of food, just a lot of
not feeling well and that darn old flu she got in Arizona.
She is up for the challenge of putting on some weight.
You should see how many pancakes she is putting down
this morning.  Thanks for all of your concern and support.

Things are looking up!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!!! I am SO glad!!! Its always SO hard when one of your kids are hurting and you don't knw why!!! I'm glad you found out and shes feeling better!!!! Sending prayers and hugs your way!!!

Shannon said...

Hooray! Doctors who know their stuff and care enough to take the time to find a way to help our kids are the real super heroes!