Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye 2011

This year sucked!  Not going to sugar coat it.

I am saying, "Good Riddance 2011"!

There was some good in this year, but for the most part it has been a pretty hard year for our family.

I have struggled with posting on a regular basis. Mainly just trying to find humor in the days and that has been the hardest thing for me.

We are blessed to have a warm home that protects us from the elements, food in our bellies and plenty of what we need for the time being.

Just emotionally it has totally stressed me out.

I have always been pretty healthy, but this year I was told I was in a high risk category for breast cancer and... that my cholesterol was so high I was now in a high risk category for heart attack.  Geesh!

So, I panicked!  I found out the heart attack stuff right after my 44th birthday and the fear of not being around for my children made me get off my $%^$ and get moving.  Up at 5:45 a.m. every morning to do sit ups, stretches, leg lifts and the treadmill for a combined total of 45 minutes.  And because I am not good with delayed results, I was pleased to lose 16 pounds in about 1 1/2 months.

I credit Jonette for getting me started.  I had a visiting teaching meeting with her in August and she volunteered her time to walk with me.  I was completely incapable at that point of getting myself motivated.  After walking with her twice I knew it was going to have to be on my own because she walks faster than I can run.  And the sad part is that she was really slowing herself down for me.

It worked though.  She got me going.

My cholesterol is better.  My disposition fluctuates.  Obviously there isn't a direct correlation from my moods to my weight.  Who knew?!  I was hoping.

I did get more energy.  Not sure if it was the weight loss or the vitamin D that my doctor put me on because my levels were really low.

Boy, was I mess this year physically.  My fault.

I spent the first part of the year as a "single" parent with Mr. Finn working in the frozen tundra until the end of June.  It was a stress on the family, but we made it through.

And because I deal with stress by eating.  I ate!
A lot!
Things that brought me immediate gratification.  So lots of veggies.

I discovered a dark chocolate bar at Aldi's from Australia.  OH MY!

I found that at a price tag of only $1.29, it was an affordable luxury.

But unfortunately it turned out to be a luxury I truly couldn't afford.

This year I PRAY it will be easier in all ways.  I know it can't, but I could use a little break for at least a little bit.

So for me, no resolutions.  They frustrate me because I don't keep them or fall short.  I just want to handle each day better than the day before.  Even if it is only a millimeter.

Good luck this year!

1 comment:

Ben and Laurie said...

You handle things very well. Wasn't it Pres. Hinckley who encouraged the "make each day a little better" idea? Can't go wrong if you follow his example. You're awesome!!