Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hang Ten...

It seems like yesterday I was standing in the foyer of the Los Angeles Temple waiting for my soon to be husband to arrive so we could be married.  Finally.  It was going to be the best day of my life.  I knew it!  I could feel it.

I was elated and bubbling with joy.  My groom would be here any minute.

What?  No, he isn't here yet.  I can't go get ready until he arrives?  Ok.  I will wait here, it will be any minute.

Nervous excitement flitted around inside my stomach.  Anytime....

Seriously anytime now.

Nervous... not quite excitement.

Is that him coming through the door.

Nervous... worried.  Where is he?

There he is...  nope, not yet.

Nervous, worried, scared, worried, anxious, worried.

Is he coming?  Has it seriously been that long since I last looked at the clock?

Where is he?  No answer again on his cell phone.

42 minutes of waiting.  Everyone that was inside waiting is now in the foyer plying me with questions and words of encouragement.  "He will be here", they all say.

I know.... nervous anxiety romping around in my gut.

45 minutes.

The doors open.

My sweetheart enters with that grin on his face.

That darn traffic and florist.

One hour later...

We were married.

For Time and all Eternity.

I love my Mr. Finn!


Shannon said...

I'd never heard that story before... but it sounds like it has been worth the wait! :) Happy Anniversary to you both!

Tamaratravel said...

that's funny..Peter almost didn't make it to ours either...Oh how the years pass..Happy Anniversary!

MargaretAgard said...

Happy Anniversary! How beautiful you are. I love that picture of you both. (why don't I remember that? I must not have been as worried as you.)

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that! That is HILARIOUS!! You poor thing! Funny though! ;)