Friday, March 27, 2009

Fargo Flood Evacuation

I have been very emotional this morning as I listened to MOJO104 in Fargo.  It is a beautiful audio piece about the thousands of volunteers working around the clock to fill sandbags and dike the area.  They had originally been told that the water would crest at 41 feet needing about 1 million bags.  Then yesterday it was confirmed that it would rise to 43 feet, needing an additional 900,000 bags that is impossible to do at this time.

So, they evacuated Fargo along with friends of ours.  The Smith family is on their way to Minneapolis as of 11 p.m. last night, praying that everything they did would save their belongings left behind.  Their family has been working for days sandbagging along with their community.

At times like this I become emotional as I see the good in the world.  I forget sometimes how much there really is.  The news allows us only the bad and disturbing. This gives us the chance to see people shine.  If people are united in a common cause they put their differences aside for the common good.

And that touches me.

Update:  The Smiths are safe in Minneapolis with family this afternoon.  Fargo has begun to evacuate volunteers and goods.  Please keep everyone in your thoughts and prayers during this season of hardship.

Love to you and your family Ang.


Anonymous said...

For me the news sometimes does not seem real for me as I don't know that place or people, but when it comes close to the heart and home, it puts a whole new spin on it, the emotions become different and makes you bring yourself back to reality that it can be you at anytime and to be prepared. Your friends and all the people in Fargo will be in our family's prayers.

Tamaratravel said...

I hope we learn from the example of these situations..always put others first...

Shannon said...

These natural calamities are always a reminder to me of how little control we really have. Very disturbing for a borderline OCD type A like me.
But you are right - they also provide an opportunity for charity to shine. Definitely praying for Fargo.