Friday, July 13, 2012

Sir Frankenhubby

Well, I can finally put it all in writing.  For the past 11 months Mr. Finn has been unemployed.
I have stressed and agonized over almost every second of it.  Lost about 5 million strands of hair and in the end, the Lord blessed him with a job.



Yep.  Sense of humor he has.  We prayed for a job.

I guess he figures we are needed there.  I will get there.  It will have to be soon as we are moving on the 25th of this month.

We drove down there a week ago to check out the locals.  Well, it is a bit of a culture shock, but at least it is pretty.  We will adjust.

The kids will be trying out public school for the first time.  We figure if it's going to be a change we might as well rip off the band aid and go all in.  I don't know who is more frightened by that prospect.  I must admit that I have been quite freaked out by the whole move.  During the fourth of July parade I started bawling like a baby.

I was/am crazy.  I will do something that I know will be the last time and I get all emotional.  I really love it here.  We called it home and believed it.  When we got close to home on our way back from checking out the "new" land, I got so excited because we were almost home and then I got so sad.  Such conflicting emotions in almost the same breath.  It was overwhelming.

The ward is small there.  Less than 100 members seated in church and they said it was bursting at the seams.  Durst I laugh out loud at that?  It was more than a little scary.  That means no rest for any church members.  Sigh!

Mr. Finn says I am driving him crazy with all my worrying.  I totally freak out about the smallest of things.

I guess the only thing I can say is that we are still married after all this and still talking.  Sometimes quite loudly, but for the most part we are managing to "rub on".  (heard that on a british show and loved it.)

It will be interesting to see why the Lord is moving us there.  One of the counselors did say that in the past month four families have moved in that were "permanent".  That is huge for them because it is a college town.  Maybe it is part of building his Kingdom in the south.

Gird up them loins already Girl.  Put on your bravest face and just "move".

And YES, my dear friend Laurie, I will miss you like crazy.  Can't say your name without tearing up.  I will so be phone hounding you and YES things will be the same.  I will talk, you will talk and we will laugh.  If you screen my calls, I will hunt you down.



Shannon said...

Saying lots of prayers for you - of gratitude for the job, and for smooth transitions! Silver lining: new house = new decorating projects! I am looking forward to "exploring" your new town through your blog posts.

Ben and Laurie said...

Psycho lady...

thehallebunch2 said...

nice how you ended with WORD! lol! You'll be fine..another adventure for the FInn family!