Thursday, August 11, 2016

All aboard the sleep train

Let's talk a minute about sleep training...

That awful time when a parent feels obligated to train their child to sleep independently of its parents.
So that the child can learn to put itself to sleep and give the parents much needed rest without a child draped all over their corpse.  Oops, I mean body that feels like a corpse because it is dead tired.
So that they wake from their slumber refreshed...
And immediately return to a state of peaceful rest.
While you...
Lie awake...
Taking pictures...
To prove...

That you failed at sleep training.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I love this! Once your kiddos turn 18 they will sleep away from you for most of the rest of their lives. How wonderful that they have this foundation of togetherness and belonging to fall back on.