I did have a good time with a friend this week. That is an accomplishment. Time should be spent cultivating the quality of your friendships.
I am grateful for friends. They lift me up!
My kids were whiney but great this week. It really all depended on the moment. There were truly some great moments. I love my children.
I ordered the Dude's birthday present yesterday. He is going to be so happy. Every time he plays with Jacob, it's the only thing he wants to do.
Part of Miss Boo's present came in the mail yesterday. She picked it out a week ago, but she has forgotten already. Her other present will come soon. I just got notice that it's on the way here. No doubt it has something to do with "princess".
She will only wear dresses to school anymore. I love how she is so prissy, but such a tomboy too.
One more month until our offspring turn another year older. The only problem we have with that is that the Dude has decided he is already 4 years old and tells everyone that. Miss Boo and him argue constantly over that minor detail. When asked what age he will be on his birthday, he says "I don't know". Of course he doesn't, in his mind he already accomplished the feat of turning four.
It's going to be a glorious Spring. I can feel it, can't you?
I miss buying kid-gifts! I clicked your links and practically drooled over those bright, cheerful presents. And three cheers for Spring!
i'm so glad this week has improved..love the gifts especially the tutu..What a find..
is that the camera doing that or you really look like that mom? lol!! Kidding love you mom! I had to say something!! that is how I have been feeling every week this month already we are mid march..I still feel like we are at the beginning of the month..but we are not..oh well..that much closer for you guys to coming here! love you mom!
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