Sometimes I take a picture of Miss Boo and I find it magical. It brings me back to the joy of her very being. I forget at times how special she really is when she is being "spirited". (A new word I am trying out for her.) She possesses this ability to be unbelievably sweet and the next second, infuriating. Mrs. P. her teacher once told me that she didn't worry about children like her. They are the ones that couldn't be led astray, that they make their own decisions and most will follow them.
Mr. Finn and I always joke that she has her own gang...it's called "Big Rosey". I pray we can guide her in a way that this "spiritedness" is a strength for her and not a heartache.
She truly is amazing in a yummy exasperating way. I am blessed to have her and know that Heavenly Father must of known us better than we know ourselves because it wouldn't be the same without her in our lives.
she takes after you..she knows what she wants and does it..just wait till she is a teenager..I feel sorry for the boy she is in-love with....
Hey girl,
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What a precious picture. Three cheers for "spirited" girls!
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