And then...I got busy and didn't pay attention to my surroundings.
I left the TV on PBS.
YES, it's true! I turn it on and leave my children to fend for themselves. (sometimes!)
When I returned an undisclosed amount of time later I heard these words.
I don't know if I can write them.
They are too painful.
I will try....
Say it isn't so!
The Dude was whispering so sweetly.
I love you too Barney. I love you. I love you. I love you.
Where did I go wrong besides the obvious wrong turns as admitted above?

It could be worse. It could have been Mr. Rogers.
Ohhhh......its okay! At least your kids love Barney! He's not violent! Connor is in love with Joker and Batman!!! :) It could be worse!!! :) You are a GREAT Mom! :)
It could have been worse...I think..haha. School is going good so far...lots to do and so many more fun people this semester. How are things back home?
Do your kids watch Yo Gabba Gabba? From what I understand THAT is worse.. My kids were raised on Barney and they mostly turned out OK!
Barney was a member of the family for a while because Josh loved him, and when Josh is into something that's ALL he does. I actually like him, though the later shows are less saccharine-sweet than the early ones. I think that's why so many people got turned off by him.
Did you get the package? I left it on your doorstep.
At least it's not Sponge Bob mom! lol!
oh no you didn''s a crime in our household to even mention the word "Barney".
I loved PBS! Arthur, Puzzle Place, Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers, Barney, Big Comfy Couch, all those classics! It made me who I am today! They may be annoying, but they are great so... yeah :)
I hate to admit it, but I miss those Barney days....
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