think he was a surprise! What a wonderful gift! Heavenly Father knew we needed this little boy in our home.
He is funny, sweet, kind generous, silly, onery, adorable, precious and so, so loved.
He makes up words by adding "ing". To him it makes it a much better word for what he is experiencing or wants to do.
My favorite right now is "Bathtubbing". He will come running in and say he wants to go bathtubbing. Makes it sound like so much fun.
His birthday supper will consist of pizza at his favorite place on earth. Chuck E. Cheese. We took him and his sister last night to Disney on Ice. On our way back to the car, riding on his Daddy's shoulders, he announced: "I had a great time!". His favorite part was Lilo and Stitch, which is funny because he has never seen that movie.
This morning I got to sleep in and when I came down to the kitchen he asked me if I had a good sleep. What a thoughtful little boy. So grateful to have him.
We love you Dude!
I can't beleive it has been three years. I am so glad I was able to come and be there when you had him. I remember holding and rocking him. Can't do that now. Wish we were closer but glad you share. Give him a birthday kiss from Grandma Enid
what a big boy. they are so fun. Enjoy the moments you have with them for they will soon be their own BOSS.
Happy Birthday Big Boy!!!
love you much
He's the best surprise you've ever had...What a blessing...He also keeps you on your feet..many years of "Oh my!" coming up...
Happy Birthday, what a wonderful little boy to have. We all need one like him in our lives to keep us young and youthful. Hugs and Kisses
Happy Birthday Ryanier!! We sent him a little gift. sorry it's late mom! Sure love you guys!!
Happy Birthday, Ryan! You are blessed to have a wonderful mommy who adores you.
He's a cutie, Robin.
Happy belated birthday, Ryan! I hope you all had a blast at Chuck E. Cheese. I still love their pizza - who can resist buttered crust?!?
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