I have finally rid myself of the festering boil that has been attached to my B_%*@ for the past 2 - 1/2 years. My fault completely. I allowed it to grow and fester and last night,
It was a yucky mess, but it is gone...over...finito...DONE.
Now I can focus on what is important and deserves my undivided attention, constant care and devotion.
Goodbye HOA!
I knew you updated your blog when I saw your status on Facebook...HOA's can really rally me up..that's why I stay out...It's our strong personalities..
Woo hoo! I am very happy for you... you should bake a cake to celebrate!
For a minute there I thought you were giving us a bit WAY TOO MUCH INFO!!! I mean who wants to know about a big huge boil you've had on your butt for 2 years!!!! Then I got it...hahahahahahahaha!
Me too! I didnt even know how to comment! And then I saw the last part!!! Too funny! Good for you! Congrats. Go have a strawberry daquri to celebrate!!! (Virgin of coarse) :)
What did you pop?
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