I finally got Mr. Finn on board for getting my eyes fixed. By LAZIK surgery! He was/is afraid I will go blind. Completely RATIONAL, I know!?! I was pretty excited until I realized that I will have to have "cheaters" to read for the rest of my life. I thought that wasn't a big deal as I have to take my glasses off to read now.
And then, I started paying attention to how much I read during the day. It could get a bit frustrating to have to look for glasses to read the little things. Labels on bottles, etc.
It brought to mind a memory I have about my Grandma Laverne. She always had big magnifying glasses laying all over the place. Now I get why they were there, so she could read all that fine print. I wish she were here so I could ask her if that was annoying. I'm sure she would say it was just the way it was. She was this funny, crazy little lady with tons of spunk. She passed away over 20 years ago on Christmas Day. I miss her!
It brings to mind another story about her or maybe just a factual one. She used to dye her hair auburn. I don't think I ever saw her gray! A woman after my own heart! LOL Anyways, Grandpa had a culdesac (you all know what I am talking about.) so after she was done with her hair, she would throw the rest on his hair and his eyebrows. I remember visiting right after it had been done and was talking to Grandpa. I couldn't help but notice the dye job, it really accentuated the eyebrows and his lack of hair. The only thing I could think of to say was, "So, Grandma dyed her hair today?" He gave me the funniest look and said "Yup!". He never had much to say, I wonder what he was thinking.
If he were a woman, it would have been thoughts of "Oh No! Does it look that bad?" "What does she mean by that?" We are so neurotic I think.
Back to the subject at hand. Because I should be wearing bifocals at this stage in my life it changes the way I can have my eyes fixed. They can be done differently so I can see both ways, but it can cause nausea and lack of balance. You basically have to use one eye to see far away and one to see up close. It can take a while for your eyes to adjust, but some never get used to it. The other option which I spoke of earlier, makes them so I can see long distance and use cheaters to read.
I want to be able to enjoy this time while my kids are little, swimming, biking and playing with them without the hassle of glasses. Is it worth the other? Anybody have any experiences they would like to share. I have a couple of months until it will happen, so all thoughts are welcome.