Ryan stayed with me and mostly on my lap. He always gets squirmy during prayers, especially the sacrament. He always tells me to open my eyes and quit going to sleep. Still working on that! He was getting pretty bad so I told him that we were supposed to think of Jesus during the Sacrament and he asked where is he? I said he was here, around us. He pops up on my lap, scanning the congregation as fast as he could and says quite loudly, "Where is he, I can't see him?" I guess I need to work on that too!
Minutes later he was looking up my nose wanting to know what was up there. Yikes! It's not like he is quiet or anything. I told him there wasn't anything to which I get the quick reply. "There's something ugly up there!" Oh my goodness. I thought Sister Burch was going to burst behind us.
And now I get to BRAG!!!! The Dude is officially POTTY TRAINED.
Did I say that loudly enough? He is always so excited to go to Nursery and yesterday was no exception, but I was a little nervous as he was wearing his big boy underwear. We haven't ventured out of the house unprotected thus far in the training, but he refused to wear a diaper. I told them to ask him often if he needed to go and come get me so I could help him. The previous week we didn't have the best experience peeing in a different potty, so I wanted to make sure he didn't get soaked. I checked on him several times, but had to teach in Relief Society so couldn't check on him for over an hour after the last check.
When I went to pick him up after church, he was in such a happy mood. Not unusual by the way, but just worth notable mention! Sister Bebel stopped me in the hallway and said that she thought he was so adorable. I said thank you, of course. She said he told her he had to pee, so she took him because he said he could do it by himself. Really? That is something I haven't experienced. She said he did it all himself and then as he was flushing, said "Goodbye Pee!". That's my boy! No more diapers for life! I am so excited about that. I couldn't be prouder if he were flying to the moon.
You do not have boring days with those two....Congrats on the potty training...hope your nose was clean...
You deserve all the happiness you're having with these two adorable tots
One thing is certain... 2009 will hold lots of laughs for you, and zero diapers! Congratulations. :)
I am SO jealous here! I dont even have Connor in "real" underwear yet! I am terrified! Congrats to you! You lucky lady! :)
Yay congrats on the potty training. He sure trained quick. Oh the dream of having all children in the house potty trained.
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