Ryan has reached the age of what I would call "Iamnotgoingtolikeitanywayyoudoit" stage.
I want cheese Mommy!
That's not right, I want rectangles!!!
That is a rectangle, Ryan. What shape do you see?
I want a BIG rectangle.
OK. Let's try again.
That's not right Mommy, I said the Biggest rectangle.
I give up and make Pigs. He seems to be satisfied.
i never thought of using cookie cutters..that would be a great idea for a party...
You are a very clever Mom.....
good idea on the cheese!!
I love the pics at the pumpkin patch. by the way angie K took our pics she is great
Please tell me you used a cookie cutter. Or you should've been an artist.
Get use to it! Jaxten refuses to eat candy if it's "Broken", such as candy sticks or suckers or anything that doesn't look perfect! gees....It's hard to make him happy. Love ya, Rachel
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