I was emailed this website by my sister Gretchen. If you are looking for something creative for Halloween, this is a fabulous idea.
I am on the Activities Committee and am organizing the Adult (yes, I said adults only) Halloween Party for our Ward. I am so excited. There is something about getting Adults into costumes and seeing them come alive. It is a great way to get to know each other.
I don't think we get to socialize much without our children and am looking forward to "meeting" the members outside of the normal circumstances.
We are having a cake contest and I think these fun little monsters are going to be my entry.
Any more ideas out there for a great Halloween cake?
Those are cute. Here's another idea for you. Betty Crocker has videos on how to make some pretty cool cakes. Here is the link to the pirate cake.
Or this one is an inchworm cake. Looks pretty cool.!
No ideas but VERY cute cupcakes! Good job!!!!
As soon as I saw those cupcakes I thought man you really are turning into a cooker. Then I saw it was a website.HAHAHA
I wish I could go to the party, You are doing a great job!
I love checking out your blog and seeing what you are all up to. Its been so long since we have come to visit or since we have talked. Yes, I guess kids do really take over ones life. But I love it. It makes me smile to check our your blog each week and know you are all doing well. You are such and example and inspriation, and a wonderful writer. Love ya.
Ohhh, these look delightful! I am currently obsessed with cupcakes... I may have to make these for the kiddos (and me).
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