6:00 a.m. Treadmill
6:33 a.m. Shower
6:55 a.m. Prayers
7:00 a.m. Check email
7:10 a.m. Check FB
7:25 a.m. Check Blog
7:26 a.m. Download new cupcake recipes
7:33 a.m. Wake up the Dude
7:35 a.m. Wake up Miss Boo
7:37 a.m. Back to the Dude's room. Still asleep.
7:39 a.m. Wake up Miss Boo again.
7:44 a.m. The Dude is dressed. Miss Boo ignoring me.
8:00 a.m. Breakfast
8:10 a.m. Make lunches
8:20 a.m. Get kids in car
8:21 a.m. Back upstairs to find keys
8:22 a.m. Take kids to school
8:30 a.m. Drive to walking trails to visiting teach
8:45 a.m. Commence walk
9:20 a.m. Drive home
9:25 a.m. Clean up house to prepare to watch Lati's kids
9:45 a.m. Make some changes to friends website. Add page.
10:07 a.m. Kids arrive
10:15 a.m. First poopie diaper
10:17 a.m. Kids claim they are hungry. Tell them we have to wait until 11:00
11:00 a.m. Lunch
11:35 a.m. Still waiting for Davis to finish lunch
12:00 a.m. Put mirror back together
12:10 a.m. Second poopie diaper
12:15 a.m. Davis falls off the couch after I tell him 10 times to not jump.
12:21 a.m. Kids are wrestling. Starting to take a turn. Can hear the whines starting.
12:40 p.m. Sis. Johnson showed up to take the kids for the rest of the afternoon before their naps.
12:41 p.m. I'm beat. I am not used to having small kids in the house.
1:00 p.m. Laid on the couch to catch up on my recorded shows.
2:30 p.m. Got ready to pick up kids
2:45 p.m. Leave house
3:00 p.m. Car full of kids
3:30 p.m. Put mirror up in Miss Boo's room.
4:30 p.m. Make dinner
4:45 p.m. Eat
5:40 p.m. Take home the Dude's friend that joined us today
6:00 p.m. Soccer practice for Miss Boo
6:10 p.m. Homework with the Dude
7:00 p.m. Head back home and rush to get kids in bed
7:15 p.m. Kids eating because they are starving
7:20 p.m. Brush teeth, pajamas and bed
7:58 p.m. Yell at kids to get back in their beds
8:00 p.m. Kids fast asleep. Whatever! So never happens like I dream it.
10:00 p.m. Bedtime for me.
This is the mirror I picked up at a yard sale for $1.00. YES! I did say one dollar. I could see all kinds of possibilities and none of them was in this color of gold.
But I did imagine this in white hanging in my little girls room. She loves it! I love spray paint.
At least I accomplished one project. I wish the picture turned out better though. Oh well, it is done.